best comments
Two comrades served
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
You've got a wrong number
About "Father of the Year"
When nostalgia hit...
When nostalgia hit...
Loss return
Here is the Ministry of Emergency Situations ...
Himself to blame
Kill deBill
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
Here is the Ministry of Emergency Situations ...
Here is the Ministry of Emergency Situations ...
Monsters and a blanket
How to stop contact with relatives
Maybe this post wouldn't exist.
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
In search of a drinking buddy.
Che Guevara
I took a photo, but something went wrong
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
Victory parade for veterans under the windows of their apartments
Hero cities.
Why does a tank need a log?
Attack on Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi
Ducks are people too.
Ducks are people too.
Well, at least children were not taught to steal in Russia.
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
When nostalgia hit...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
Who served in the army ...
My military service
When nostalgia hit...
When nostalgia hit...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How they married me to a gypsy
Video of the interrogation of Ilnaz Galyaviev, who shot children in Kazan
Danger level 100
Hero cities.
Hero cities.
The Russian army received a small infantry transforming shovel for 3,000 rubles.
You've got a wrong number
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...
About prostitutes (116)
How I bought subsidized tickets to Crimea and what came of it...