Treadstone comments, page 3

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27-June-2014 Friday

26-June-2014 Thursday
Marketing Failed

26-June-2014 Thursday
On the Other Side of the World

26-June-2014 Thursday
Students from St. Petersburg became world champions in programming

25-June-2014 Wednesday
The curtain looked at me as if I had done something not bad.

25-June-2014 Wednesday
Oh those chocolates...

25-June-2014 Wednesday

25-June-2014 Wednesday
Real time weather forecast

25-June-2014 Wednesday
The Chosen One

25-June-2014 Wednesday
Yanukovych is our president!

23-June-2014 Monday
Unbreakable phone.

21-June-2014 Saturday
A case in the village

18-June-2014 Wednesday
I never liked such "instructive" stories.

16-June-2014 Monday
Dare =)

11-June-2014 Wednesday
1947 was the most important year for all gamers.

11-June-2014 Wednesday
green apricot

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