Tranquilizer comments, page 4

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29-October-2020 Thursday
Someone give them haloperidol))

08-May-2020 Friday
Deputies ask for gasoline. They also miss

17-July-2019 Wednesday
Letter to grandfather

03-May-2019 Friday
Created an antibiotic to fight cancer cells

13-April-2019 Saturday
Flat Earthers plan expedition to 'end of the world' to prove conspiracy theory

02-July-2018 Monday
The record for the hottest night on the planet has been set.

30-April-2018 Monday
Model of the motor car of the electric train ER9 pc - 180 made of paper

26-April-2018 Thursday
The story of the recovery of a salt addict.

10-April-2018 Tuesday
Library on wheels

29-March-2018 Thursday
About today's fall of Telegram

29-March-2018 Thursday
Peekaboo is such a peekaboo

07-December-2017 Thursday
Season is open

22-October-2017 Sunday
Viktor Tsoi

09-June-2017 Friday
Greetings from the 90s

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