Tralialia comments

18-August-2021 Wednesday
The war lasted 13 months

26-May-2021 Wednesday
The Poles do not let the Belarusian plane in

01-September-2020 Tuesday
Goodbye forest!

25-August-2020 Tuesday
Perhaps this is what water buses in Moscow will look like

27-July-2020 Monday
Russian showbiz as Witcher cosplay

26-July-2020 Sunday
Barrier-free access to the sea

22-June-2020 Monday
About the size of Alaska

21-June-2020 Sunday
What a herd of elephants looked like before the mass extermination. Tsavo, Kenya 1976

14-June-2020 Sunday
Reply to the post “An African American was killed in Atlanta for attacking police during an arrest”

13-June-2020 Saturday
Well forgotten old

12-June-2020 Friday
When you thought you were prepared for everything, but suddenly something goes wrong

07-June-2020 Sunday
Yandex, what are you allowing yourself to do?
