TonyKOT posts

29-September-2016 Thursday
brain marketing

03-September-2016 Saturday
Sources of the mini-game (suddenly someone will come in handy)

27-August-2016 Saturday
GTO-R StarterKit: Step 2 (GUI Introduction)

27-July-2016 Wednesday
GTO-R StarterKit: Step 1 (Building the scene and a simple character controller)

17-July-2016 Sunday
And again, after a long absence...

29-January-2016 Friday
We will make our own GTA! Answers on questions.

24-January-2016 Sunday
We'll make our GTA... [cont'd after a HUGE pause]

30-December-2015 Wednesday
Development of a 2D game on Unity (5/5) "Building a project"

29-December-2015 Tuesday
2D game development on Unity (4.5/5) "Game logic (continued)"

25-December-2015 Friday
2D game development on Unity (4/5) "Game logic"

24-December-2015 Thursday
2D game development on Unity (3/5) "Scripting basics"

18-December-2015 Friday
Development of a 2D game on Unity (2/5) "Preparing the scene".

17-December-2015 Thursday
Development of a 2D game on Unity (1/5) "Getting to know the editor"

13-December-2015 Sunday
Dear my subscribers! A small poll.

23-November-2015 Monday
The cat came...

24-October-2015 Saturday
We'll make our own GTA with blackjack and... [long post]

17-October-2015 Saturday
We will make our own GTA with blackjack and...

02-October-2015 Friday
We have been developing websites for over 14 years...
