Tomatniysok comments, page 10

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31-March-2021 Wednesday
On the issue of cultural appropriation

30-March-2021 Tuesday
One morning

23-March-2021 Tuesday
How not to give your wife a new washing machine on March 8

15-March-2021 Monday
Project Seven Fridays in week #36. On Friday, March 15, 2013, the news reported on the first fatty plants...

11-March-2021 Thursday
How my first teacher turned from an ideal into my...

08-March-2021 Monday
Cover the vents in the house, otherwise it will lure you in

28-February-2021 Sunday
Some kind of wrong Dasha the traveler

26-February-2021 Friday
Intermediate result about the treasure keeper... About the daughter

22-February-2021 Monday
Tales of Sasha Korven: From the Mirror

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