TiEmpire comments, page 10

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10-October-2015 Saturday

09-October-2015 Friday
And-and-and ... New Yandex.Kinopoisk receives:

08-October-2015 Thursday
Cat's birthday

08-October-2015 Thursday
Collection of jokes

08-October-2015 Thursday
The leader of the group Limp Bizkit announced his desire to live in the Crimea

06-October-2015 Tuesday
Far Cry Primal Announcement

06-October-2015 Tuesday
Second Look - NFS Underground 2 VS Street Racing Syndicate

06-October-2015 Tuesday
Laureate of the "Steel Eggs-2015" award

05-October-2015 Monday
Relativity of time

05-October-2015 Monday
koment smiled

04-October-2015 Sunday
Girls ..

02-October-2015 Friday
Dedicated to all Windows Phone users)

02-October-2015 Friday
Good Mercedes from Karaganda. And it has a top-end 7.3-liter V12 (550+ forces) from the W140 AMG.

02-October-2015 Friday
In Moscow, at the initiation, freshmen got drunk and raped a 17-year-old student

02-October-2015 Friday
Challenge complited

01-October-2015 Thursday
Everything flows, everything changes

01-October-2015 Thursday
What do you know about paranoia...

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