Thronorum posts

29-October-2017 Sunday
dead society

24-September-2017 Sunday
Despondency should not be confused with sadness and sorrow

27-August-2017 Sunday
God does not violate our freedom

06-August-2017 Sunday
About envy

23-July-2017 Sunday
inevitable meeting

16-July-2017 Sunday
The spiritual meaning of the disease

09-July-2017 Sunday
It's time to show faith

24-June-2017 Saturday
On the Cross and the Salvation of the Soul

04-June-2017 Sunday
Will we bring as a gift to the Lord, who has sent us the gift of the Holy Spirit?

28-May-2017 Sunday
"Whoever disobeys the Church ... he will not be saved"

14-May-2017 Sunday
"Give us a living and ever fruitful faith"

07-May-2017 Sunday
“It is not the mind that needs to be awakened in an atheist, but the conscience”

23-April-2017 Sunday
“Where it’s simple, there are a hundred angels, where it’s tricky, there’s not a single one”

16-April-2017 Sunday
The triumph of our Christian hope

09-April-2017 Sunday
"I am your King - not on earth, but in Heaven!"

02-April-2017 Sunday
Sorvagsvatn - lake above the ocean

01-April-2017 Saturday
"Rejoice, Bride Not Bride"

26-March-2017 Sunday
The path to the Lord - climbing the ladder
