ThomasKart comments, page 18

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12-November-2024 Tuesday
Are we really waiting for this national-scale disgrace to disappear?

11-November-2024 Monday
Why Kazakh Nationalists Don't Like Russia

06-November-2024 Wednesday
Apparently, Ukraine has declared a day of cleaning and deleting tweets, posts and videos

31-October-2024 Thursday
Reply to post "Elections, elections, candidates...not Trump"

24-October-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "For the teacher who believes in the spaghetti monster"

15-October-2024 Tuesday
Pensioner shoots noisy family and opens fire on police

09-October-2024 Wednesday
Why is a dog hunter a pathology?

07-October-2024 Monday
Terrible smell of Paris

06-October-2024 Sunday
An example of how a shooter perceives recoil when firing different types of weapons.

05-October-2024 Saturday
"Transfer the war": Ukraine declares the need to attack Belarus

03-October-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "Why do you need a tachometer?"

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