12-June-2021 Saturday
What does this banknote look like?
07-June-2021 Monday
Well stop teasing
18-March-2021 Thursday
Pikabu, help!
18-February-2021 Thursday
Comments on Pikabu as always)
04-February-2021 Thursday
Note to men
29-January-2021 Friday
Bespectacled people, there is a solution!
06-January-2021 Wednesday
About the Lastochka train and the Ivanovo region
27-December-2020 Sunday
Sorry neighbors
24-December-2020 Thursday
Herd instinct on Pikabu
03-December-2020 Thursday
About drawing
24-November-2020 Tuesday
Fresh Knights Day
16-November-2020 Monday
"On the Wave" and "Response to Post"
28-October-2020 Wednesday
Comments on Pikabu always make me happy)
18-October-2020 Sunday
Man is not a wolf to man
22-July-2020 Wednesday
Who created the games?
13-July-2020 Monday
Knowledgeable people, help
08-July-2020 Wednesday
It seems they have reached us too