05-June-2024 Wednesday
French instructors in Ukraine will be destroyed by Russian missiles

05-June-2024 Wednesday
Ukraine said that Russians are increasingly raping Ukrainian men in the occupied territories

02-June-2024 Sunday
The head of the Latvian Foreign Ministry proposed attacking Belarus

01-June-2024 Saturday
CNN news channel accuses Russia of raping Ukrainians, mostly males

05-May-2024 Sunday
Ukraine is now one of the most progressive countries, now women can work in the mines

02-May-2024 Thursday
America claims Russia is using tear gas in Ukraine

02-April-2024 Tuesday
Adidas has refused to use the number 44 on the Germany national football kit for Euro 2024

28-March-2024 Thursday
Macron is ready to send troops to Ukraine if Russia approaches Kyiv or Odessa

21-March-2024 Thursday
The mayor of Paris wants Russian athletes to be banned from participating in the Olympic Games, but it’s okay if it’s Israel

13-March-2024 Wednesday
In Italy, Latvian schoolchildren refused to compete with Russian ones

23-April-2023 Sunday
This food is so bad that even Denji wouldn't eat it.

21-April-2023 Friday
Stop worshiping me, I'm not a god, otherwise I'll kill you with the power of thought.

21-April-2023 Friday
The weakest Buryat
