TheEmperor comments

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21-January-2015 Wednesday
"Zoo on the run" or the very moment when you walk your dog around the kindergarten...

20-January-2015 Tuesday
As the cat Leopold said, let's live together!

20-January-2015 Tuesday
Midnight conversation.

18-January-2015 Sunday
A sandwich

18-January-2015 Sunday
Club life or consumer relations.

18-January-2015 Sunday
We also have symposiums in the police))

18-January-2015 Sunday
Congratulations Ministry of Education!

18-January-2015 Sunday
I'm sorry....

17-January-2015 Saturday

17-January-2015 Saturday
Memorial to the victims of the concentration camp.

16-January-2015 Friday
Loans or life in debt

14-January-2015 Wednesday
Daughter of Bill Gates

14-January-2015 Wednesday

13-January-2015 Tuesday
The guy is good...

09-January-2015 Friday
TP created an emergency

09-January-2015 Friday
Frozen cat on the beach. now a lot of Russians have flown to Turkey. It looks like they brought winter with them)

08-January-2015 Thursday
Pepsi chain reaction

17-December-2014 Wednesday
A little positivity. Russia has become an independent credit and emission center. Finally!

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