best comments
A fishing rod for the lazy.
household rebus
Guess - 7 (what are these things for?)
A set of 12 unusual logic puzzles.
A set of 12 unusual logic puzzles.
Thermal imager (part 3)
Guess - 7 (what are these things for?)
A set of 12 unusual logic puzzles.
That's how we live
Schizophrenia and myths about it.
9 entertaining logical paradoxes
Please help, I can't figure it out
About love...
Mandelbrot set
9 entertaining logical paradoxes
Series transfer
Safety briefs
A set of 12 unusual logic puzzles.
A selection of interesting online logic games
Standardized test with 12 questions
A fishing rod for the lazy.
Standardized test with 12 questions
Mandelbrot set
A set of 12 unusual logic puzzles.
Julia fractal
Standardized test with 12 questions
Standardized test with 12 questions
Set of unusual logic puzzles #8
Set of unusual logic puzzles #14
Set of unusual logic puzzles #12
Logic task #4
9 entertaining logical paradoxes
“16 years ago, I accidentally threw a Mars bar behind the fridge. Today I found it. Expired in 2000"