TheBlackDevil comments, page 36

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02-October-2024 Wednesday
Love, care and kindness work wonders!

02-October-2024 Wednesday
This is me and I'm knitting a blanket (*^_^)

01-October-2024 Tuesday
Wrong time, wrong place

01-October-2024 Tuesday
Production of skufs

01-October-2024 Tuesday
I don't feel sorry for these people at all

01-October-2024 Tuesday
Nothing unusual, just a mother in Omsk walking her quad bike daughter on a leash, while their dog runs alongside without a leash

30-September-2024 Monday
Reply to fonklauzevits200 in "About the queue behind the fence"

30-September-2024 Monday
We visited the Hide residential complex from Mrgroup

29-September-2024 Sunday
Our answer to childfree and "quad borer" haters

29-September-2024 Sunday
Continuation of the post "How do men "fall out of love" in marriage?"

29-September-2024 Sunday
So it turns out that society will make you undesirable in any case??

29-September-2024 Sunday
How many times have you accidentally broken your phone?

28-September-2024 Saturday
There are pros and cons to everything

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