TexnikMasha comments, page 2

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25-September-2020 Friday
How to respond to news of someone else's loss

28-October-2018 Sunday
Is it realistic to eat for 3500 r.

20-September-2017 Wednesday
Delicious chicken roll

13-September-2017 Wednesday
Are you eating?

02-May-2016 Monday
French winemakers protect their vineyards during abnormal cold weather

08-April-2016 Friday

22-November-2015 Sunday
Such graffiti appeared in Minsk.

04-June-2015 Thursday
For garlic

26-March-2015 Thursday
The terrible truth about women's toilets

26-October-2014 Sunday
Soviet actresses in their youth.

05-October-2014 Sunday
Yours among strangers)

11-September-2014 Thursday
My new job.

17-August-2014 Sunday
For those who didn't get a loan.

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