Tetracycline comments

[10] [2] [1]

27-October-2020 Tuesday
In Omsk, ambulances brought coronavirus patients to the Ministry of Health building

22-October-2020 Thursday
Times like these. Notes from a resuscitator

18-October-2020 Sunday
Miracle traffic cop

12-October-2020 Monday
What if it goes for a ride?

19-September-2020 Saturday
Reply to the post “Calculated the cost of owning a car”

16-September-2020 Wednesday
Smart watch repair

24-June-2020 Wednesday
Wi-fi in the Moscow metro is engaged in data phishing

19-June-2020 Friday
There's a rat in the SPAR store

18-April-2020 Saturday
Review of hot sauce

08-April-2020 Wednesday
Boomerang of goodness on Pikabu

25-March-2020 Wednesday
The guy in the background looks like Keanu)

24-March-2020 Tuesday
Lifehack when passing medical. commissions

11-March-2020 Wednesday
Post #7281930

08-February-2020 Saturday
How to deal with it

05-February-2020 Wednesday
5000-year-old dagger with quartz crystal blade and ivory handle

22-December-2019 Sunday
A very resourceful sable that did not become a fur coat

[10] [2] [1]
