21-December-2020 Monday
Reply to the post “Who has the right to personal space”
28-October-2020 Wednesday
Efremov arranged a luxurious dinner for his cellmates in the pre-trial detention center
26-October-2020 Monday
The main thing is fun
15-October-2020 Thursday
Sberlogistics hits rock bottom
10-October-2020 Saturday
Appeal to motorcyclists
04-August-2020 Tuesday
Post to explosion in Beirut
24-May-2020 Sunday
I'm 30 years old today =)
12-May-2020 Tuesday
An attempt to gather former classmates after almost 10 years
31-March-2020 Tuesday
The Cinema Foundation has crossed all boundaries
08-February-2020 Saturday
Conversation between HR and copywriter: “How do I know market rates”?
26-November-2019 Tuesday
Taxi driver with balls of steel/nerves
14-August-2019 Wednesday
I would change my name
07-July-2019 Sunday
Our Siberia...
29-May-2019 Wednesday
Geologist joined the chat
15-April-2019 Monday
Amediateka and my Jolly Roger
13-April-2019 Saturday
Flat Earthers plan expedition to 'end of the world' to prove conspiracy theory
04-March-2019 Monday
Mgts mischievous
19-September-2018 Wednesday
22-May-2018 Tuesday
Jet Li is sick
24-April-2018 Tuesday
Here comes the obep.