best comments
The Simpsons
Scolopendra vs snake
Melkor and Horus discuss whose father is worse...
Melkor and Horus discuss whose father is worse...
A real conversation with a lady from an unknown office.
My kitty.
Zdacha :) 1 post per peekaboo )
The Elder Scrolls Universe - The Age of Dawn and the Merethic Age
Recommend a game like the TES series, preferably with good graphics.
What do you know about stupidity at a construction site?
An unexpected denouement of a ping-pong match!
Been gone for a while...
And everyone loves you...
Probably convenient.
WTF!? Or what the...
Racial diversity in Tolkien adaptations
"Today I observed such a phenomenon at work, the sky turned purple"
Kung Fu
Albino - translation in the comments
Address: Karaganda Stepnoy 4, 4, grocery store "Caprice".
Photos of these cute creatures taken at the moment when they started shaking their heads. :)
A poem written as if inspired by "Scarlet Sails"
A poem written as if inspired by "Scarlet Sails"
A poem written as if inspired by "Scarlet Sails"
Farewell to Middle Earth
Farewell to Middle Earth
Farewell to Middle Earth
Farewell to Middle Earth
Farewell to Middle Earth
Farewell to Middle Earth