Teew posts

08-November-2017 Wednesday
How the film industry works

19-October-2017 Thursday
Now to the political news...

09-October-2017 Monday
Associative scheme of the lines of the St. Petersburg metro

12-April-2017 Wednesday
Translation of the release of ONE GIANT HAND from 04/11/2017

05-April-2017 Wednesday
The lieutenant came and ... left this comic here

14-March-2017 Tuesday
Better half...

01-February-2017 Wednesday
Replacing the default editor in Windows

29-December-2016 Thursday
"It's all right"

28-September-2016 Wednesday
When all the cats with the lamps are busy, she takes over...

28-October-2015 Wednesday
Reflections from the train in the "glass" column

02-March-2015 Monday
Parable about an ordinary Ukrainian revolutionary
