Teblroy comments

03-July-2024 Wednesday
Post #11569144

05-June-2024 Wednesday
True tragedies of the post-apocalyptic wasteland

24-March-2024 Sunday
Don't be like Lekha

09-February-2024 Friday
For which game should I open a game server?

02-February-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “If naked depraved girls get 5000 pluses, let’s see how many rescue girls get!”

20-June-2023 Tuesday
Knights of fresh, help!

21-April-2023 Friday
Support for domestic developments

29-December-2022 Thursday
I am training a neural network (ChatGPT) slowly - I hope that it will count when it grows to skynet and takes over the world

02-December-2022 Friday
Reply to the post "Cry of the Soul"

04-March-2022 Friday
Peekaboo, stop

20-May-2015 Wednesday
MOBA or why is everything so bad?

19-May-2015 Tuesday
About the life of the elderly in Russia
