TastyMaly posts

23-January-2024 Tuesday
Go to hell, justifiers!

06-January-2024 Saturday
Kazemirovna’s answer to “Dog hunters killed an animal rights activist in Dagestan”

01-December-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “On duty at the hospital”

04-November-2023 Saturday
The "Best" ribbon has almost disappeared

21-April-2023 Friday
Psychic Taxi Driver

12-March-2023 Sunday
Response to the post "Situations when a person pretends to be an expert, not knowing that you are a professional in this matter"

26-February-2023 Sunday
SunIsSun's response to "What will people say?". Fuck how important what they say..."

08-February-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post "About children's memory)"

30-January-2023 Monday
Response to the post “A family member does not want a dog, it’s okay to sell!!!”

30-January-2023 Monday
The answer to the post "Have you ever been bitten by a hornet?"

30-January-2023 Monday
Bro, where is the animal shelter?

08-December-2022 Thursday
Notes from Donetsk
