best comments
Features of business in the Russian Federation
Gundyaev (Patriarch Kirill)
Wallpaper is to blame
A group of predatory ciliates eat a ciliate shoe
Photos of the 90s (Famous people).
It was - it was
New prayer service
The State Duma announced the readiness of Russians to give up the 13th salary for the sake of Donbass
M - Mathematics? No, Marketing!
Bust of Yuri Gagarin erected in Cleveland, Ohio USA
Great gift option
Pupokkota's Response in "Not a Man"
Party and pension
Reply to the post "But I wanted the best"
Climate change or panic?
Who is to blame for the fact that we live badly?!
Who is to blame for the fact that we live badly?!
Who is to blame for the fact that we live badly?!
Who is to blame for the fact that we live badly?!
Drugs and guns
Reversal and logic
Who is to blame for the fact that we live badly?!
Who is to blame for the fact that we live badly?!
2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year - Yongqing Bao
Beautifully went
Fight for life for more than two minutes
dead formation