Taran.Alex posts

30-May-2024 Thursday
Life story of a billionaire #24

09-March-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “How to cheat on your wife without consequences”

13-January-2024 Saturday
About “feeling like an adult.” How to become "adults"

26-December-2023 Tuesday
Story from the life of a billionaire #23. Why can your friends with incomes 3 times less afford the same purchases as you?

17-December-2023 Sunday
Stories from the life of a billionaire #22. There is an overpayment for everything and it is not clear what to do about it

17-December-2023 Sunday
About business #12. Everything's clear with you...

07-November-2023 Tuesday
About business #11.Your salary will not be increased! If you want, quit. Even if we later hire a replacement at an even higher price

25-October-2023 Wednesday
About business #10. It's harder to start a business now

20-October-2023 Friday
About business #9. Two types of leaders

18-October-2023 Wednesday
About business #8. A problem about two managers. How to pay fair interest?

04-October-2023 Wednesday
Stories from the life of a $millionaire No. 20.# How I bought Infinity

30-September-2023 Saturday
Stories from the life of a $millionaire #19.# Who are all these people?

17-June-2023 Saturday
About business #7. Personal experience of the way to millions of dollars in it business

10-June-2023 Saturday
About business #6. How to successfully launch a business on the first try?

10-June-2023 Saturday
#17. Myth: money is earned dishonestly

22-May-2023 Monday
#16. People are interested in listening to the end ...

02-May-2023 Tuesday
#15. I made a million a day...

02-May-2023 Tuesday
#14. What is so expensive? - phrase of a wealthy person

22-April-2023 Saturday
#13. Where do people get the money to buy apartments? Answer
