Tamerlann posts, page 2
05-October-2017 Thursday
So they fight for food....or sleep after it
03-October-2017 Tuesday
Greatness and grace .... and a little bit of gluttony
19-April-2017 Wednesday
I ate this chocolate and it should look different
01-April-2017 Saturday
To all those who have been sitting and waiting for 15 minutes in Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, dedicated to
30-March-2017 Thursday
Pay and WORK
20-March-2017 Monday
You come in the morning, and instead of training, you need to fix ....
18-July-2016 Monday
B - Vanilla
14-July-2016 Thursday
How did you do this?!
26-June-2016 Sunday
Everything new is well forgotten old
31-May-2016 Tuesday
And you don’t think that the place of your advertisement is on P ......
13-April-2016 Wednesday
Mmmmm))) Direct competition of the 90s
08-February-2016 Monday
Walking through the Park, I finally understood what it means to "CUT OUT OF CONTEXT" =)
08-January-2016 Friday
ADbloock what are you doing