Tamburetko comments, page 23

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26-October-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "What about the prices in the store?"

21-October-2024 Monday
When the ex got hacked

16-October-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "I'm sick of my depression"

03-October-2024 Thursday
In case of friendly conversations between regions

29-September-2024 Sunday
Getting a plug out of your ass is mission possible!

24-September-2024 Tuesday
It's a pity Miyazaki didn't live in the USSR and didn't make such a masterpiece.

23-September-2024 Monday
A story from life

22-September-2024 Sunday
PolyDoc's response to "Congratulations, your baby is a quad bike. Are you happy?"

16-September-2024 Monday
It was awkward

16-September-2024 Monday
Thief from Pikabu

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