TaigaForest posts

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14-July-2022 Thursday
And what ... So it was possible?

09-June-2022 Thursday
Okroshka index in Moscow and Vladivostok

06-June-2022 Monday
I am rewatching "Babylon 5" and I keep thinking, where have I seen such a cunning politician?)

03-June-2022 Friday
Just reminded. Great weekend to everyone. The Far East dances first)

31-May-2022 Tuesday
Good car service or not?

30-May-2022 Monday
In the morning I was driving a taxi, I remembered))

17-March-2022 Thursday
H,K&N "Stop use me" Chillout edit

11-February-2022 Friday

23-June-2021 Wednesday
I'm just showing off my first work in creating tracks)) Hegel, Kant & Nietzsche

13-May-2021 Thursday
Well, yes?)))

20-April-2021 Tuesday
Tired of alcohol? Don't know how to act? There is a method

23-September-2020 Wednesday
About promoters

14-May-2020 Thursday
I understood why it is so difficult in self-isolation

19-November-2019 Tuesday
Handjob, because it’s a trend)

18-November-2019 Monday
How they sold me boots at H&M-2

15-November-2019 Friday
How they sold me shoes at H&M.

12-October-2019 Saturday
I started writing a little. Suddenly someone will create a mood.

07-October-2019 Monday
Interesting meeting.

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