Taiava comments, page 42

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04-January-2020 Saturday
I don’t regret my actions, I don’t feel guilty about myself

19-December-2019 Thursday
Shootout in the center of Moscow on Lubyanka

19-December-2019 Thursday
Reply to the post “Rosguard in a Moscow hospital”

17-December-2019 Tuesday
When they tell me that capitalists don’t fight

17-December-2019 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Why Crimeans don’t want to work. Part 1"

16-December-2019 Monday
Why did the Allies lose the Battle of France? Part 3

12-December-2019 Thursday
Creating a character in NRI...

11-December-2019 Wednesday
In Britain, they announced the possible involvement of Russia in Reddit leaks

07-December-2019 Saturday
Fan film based on The Witcher, “Half a century of poetry later”

07-December-2019 Saturday
Lam golds [One Million Gold]. Episode 7. Silver Mountains

29-November-2019 Friday
Stop the earth

25-November-2019 Monday
Everything you need to know about our national capital

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