30-April-2019 Tuesday
Why did you stop?
09-April-2019 Tuesday
A favorite of women and an alcoholic. How the Soviet ambassador fled to the United States.
23-March-2019 Saturday
Also an option
11-March-2019 Monday
Tore off the roof a little
21-February-2019 Thursday
The size of these wolves is impressive
27-January-2019 Sunday
Happy Holidays !!!
03-January-2019 Thursday
The new mayor of Tynda and the first things
03-January-2019 Thursday
It was the light bulbs.
31-December-2018 Monday
Street cats
20-November-2018 Tuesday
The unemployed, too, must pay taxes, the new proposals of legislators.
12-November-2018 Monday
The only correct answer
03-November-2018 Saturday
What is the Head of Yakutia hinting at to the mayor of Yakutsk?
31-October-2018 Wednesday
Well, a very stupid woman ... or not?
26-October-2018 Friday
Feminists attack Russia's IKEA Facebook for dog prank and food stand ad
18-October-2018 Thursday
Sardana Avksentieva, don't stop!
11-October-2018 Thursday
Attitude of the developer to the fans
05-October-2018 Friday
Eternal problem post
30-September-2018 Sunday
They remind someone...
27-September-2018 Thursday
27-September-2018 Thursday
"Mist" - how it was ...