Tagirushka comments, page 14

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06-March-2015 Friday
Iceberg, Friday mine

02-August-2014 Saturday
Hello everyone who is awake!

31-July-2014 Thursday
this is my surrealism

31-July-2014 Thursday
Girl in the Water

31-July-2014 Thursday
Tsaritsyno park in autumn

18-May-2014 Sunday
What am I throwing harpists ... GUSLI TO THE MASSES!

11-May-2014 Sunday

13-March-2014 Thursday
City Hall official and university teacher caught selling drugs in Izhevsk

19-February-2014 Wednesday
Atomic autumn 1957.

07-February-2014 Friday
When a sysadmin really has nothing to do

26-November-2013 Tuesday
I'll just leave it here. self-portrait

25-November-2013 Monday
We continue to study the alphabet

10-October-2013 Thursday
Perun is furious!

27-August-2013 Tuesday

18-August-2013 Sunday
Blame the cat!

13-August-2013 Tuesday
Fasting to acquire or get rid of complexes

23-June-2013 Sunday

20-June-2013 Thursday
League of Detectives! what kind of territory in Kamchatka 10 km by 4 km is hidden? In Yandex and Google maps?

28-March-2013 Thursday

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