TTRa comments, page 3

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16-June-2022 Thursday
The court upheld the claim due to shutdown of the PlayStation Store

16-June-2022 Thursday
Response to the post "The Ministry of Defense showed the destruction of camouflaged Ukrainian positions by aircraft"

14-June-2022 Tuesday
Take away the excess

10-June-2022 Friday
Post rebuttal. I was wrong

10-June-2022 Friday
Exposure of a fake about marauder tankers

06-June-2022 Monday
Why am I doing this

05-June-2022 Sunday
Response to the post “In Belarus, a woman impudently stole groceries from her grandmother”

04-June-2022 Saturday
Shooting with a quadcopter indoors

03-June-2022 Friday
Answer by AlenkaPikabu in Popasnaya, February 25 - April 21. Response to Mariupol's post on February 25..."

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