TRALIVALLI22 comments

19-September-2023 Tuesday
A new Pykhtino station has been opened in the Moscow metro: on social networks it has already been called one of the most beautiful projects of the capital’s metro

04-August-2023 Friday
Travel blogger of our childhood

04-January-2023 Wednesday
Continuation of the post “Husband disappeared. Help"

03-November-2022 Thursday
Redneck seller with Avito or "Reviews mean nothing"

15-March-2022 Tuesday
And in Putin's schedule you are not there for today.

23-January-2021 Saturday
Post #7976041

23-January-2021 Saturday
Post #7975833

21-September-2020 Monday
What is closer to your spirit?

30-December-2019 Monday
Not a New Year's miracle, but good people ;)

29-September-2019 Sunday
Grandma's logic

25-August-2019 Sunday
The doctor revealed the salaries of resigning surgeons in the Urals and spoke about the violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
