SzmaragdowaNoc comments, page 4

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11-July-2024 Thursday
Cruelty to animals or modern Russian cinema

05-July-2024 Friday
Due to illness, my uterus and ovaries were removed

22-May-2024 Wednesday
What to do if a loved one is hit by a bastard on roller skates?

16-April-2024 Tuesday
Conjured up new stamps for mailboxes

05-April-2024 Friday
When the soul asks for creativity, and hands grow out of ass

07-September-2023 Thursday
Life changed to before and after

06-September-2023 Wednesday
Construction workers demolished part of the Great Wall of China with an excavator to make it more convenient to go to work

26-August-2023 Saturday
Continuation of the post “Am I fucking that I want to sell my share in the apartment to my parents for the full price?”

17-August-2023 Thursday
mat and cactus

16-August-2023 Wednesday
On the floor

16-August-2023 Wednesday
Cancer is not a death sentence

12-August-2023 Saturday
Safety motorcycle prototype

27-January-2023 Friday
Help me choose a frame and a rigid fork

23-January-2023 Monday
The process of creating Milina's mouth

14-June-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "Prime Minister of Poland Morawiecki announced the readiness of 40 million Poles to fight against Russia"

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