Syendy posts

[50] [2] [1]

05-March-2018 Monday
What not to do in Venice?

05-March-2018 Monday
Dominant tusks of walrus Alexei

05-March-2018 Monday
Top 15 Oscar Winners 2018

03-March-2018 Saturday
Experts named the most popular cat breeds in Russia and their cost

03-March-2018 Saturday
In Antarctica, thanks to images from space, a colony of penguins of 1.5 million individuals was found

01-March-2018 Thursday
The smallest wild cat in the world

23-February-2018 Friday
Meeting with the ISS and the Jupiter storm

22-February-2018 Thursday
Donald Trump - on his wave

21-February-2018 Wednesday
What did the working sketches for Soviet cartoons look like?

21-February-2018 Wednesday
Russians are seriously concerned about lies in the media

20-February-2018 Tuesday
Martian ice appeared in profile

20-February-2018 Tuesday
London police officer accused of stealing biscuits from colleague

20-February-2018 Tuesday
Beauty in the world of microelectronics: the thinnest films created in the laboratory of the Moscow Kurchatov Institute

20-February-2018 Tuesday
Roskomnadzor recognized the lack of demand for the law on blocking VPN services

19-February-2018 Monday
Where did North Korean cheerleaders come from - the most unusual fans at the Olympics

17-February-2018 Saturday
Scientists explain why leopards prefer to eat on a tree

17-February-2018 Saturday
"Drama on Downing Street": in the UK, the prime minister's cat fought with the cat from the Foreign Office

16-February-2018 Friday
How to catch a poacher: AI comes to the rescue

16-February-2018 Friday
Merry Australia or a serious reason to change your mind about going to this country

15-February-2018 Thursday
BBC cameramen fitted the animals with miniature video cameras, revealing their secrets that are usually hidden from human eyes.

14-February-2018 Wednesday
Warning from geologists: do not touch the fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite!

13-February-2018 Tuesday
Koreans were banned from eating dogs during the Olympics.

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