Swifthanded posts

25-October-2021 Monday
Trust me, I'm a chess player

08-October-2021 Friday
The history of the origin of gabber in Holland

07-August-2018 Tuesday
Beeline changes tariff conditions

13-December-2017 Wednesday
Don't work with friends

03-November-2017 Friday
Varlamov showing off his new camera

18-October-2017 Wednesday
Boris - x * y get through

25-September-2017 Monday
politically correct support

22-September-2017 Friday
You just need to earn more

20-September-2017 Wednesday
The invisible hand of the market

06-September-2017 Wednesday
A short story about unrequited love

31-August-2017 Thursday
Tipping for impudence

08-May-2017 Monday
I see you!
