worst comments
Response to the post "Brother outwitted himself"
Male solidarity
Male solidarity
Technical support service
Rocking Boss
Why are 90% of the houses in Egypt without roofs, they do not complete them, look like in the SIMS game (and reinforcement sticks out of the walls)?
The largest anti-government rally in the history of the USSR
The teacher turned to Kadyrov
Reply to the post "When Madame was driving in a hurry..."
FarlineSomus' answer to "In Kazan, parents attacked teenagers because their child was almost run over on a pump track"
When you want to impress on a first date
Technical support service
Reply to the post "About treason without whining"
Reply to the post "About treason without whining"
Reply to the post "About treason without whining"
rich kids
Holiday work
Holiday work
Holiday work