Sup3rStas comments

12-May-2015 Tuesday
"Lena! Get in the car!"

04-May-2015 Monday
in response to this is my zero

04-May-2015 Monday
And it was like yesterday.

02-May-2015 Saturday
Lucky Stas!

26-April-2015 Sunday
Unnatural prices: how retail chains profit from the crisis

14-April-2015 Tuesday
Interesting statistics about major Russian cities

09-April-2015 Thursday
Looks like Zhenya Bazhenov (BadComedian) won his first battle.

06-April-2015 Monday
The guy with the best free kick in the world

04-April-2015 Saturday
Tudan Sudan

04-April-2015 Saturday

30-March-2015 Monday
Urban contrasts or a neighbor completed the dacha.

02-November-2014 Sunday
How to eat nachos
