Sundeus posts

13-June-2023 Tuesday
It was always interesting, what is the maximum pluses you can get here at all?

07-December-2022 Wednesday
Blinded from what they found

24-November-2022 Thursday
An introvert's nightmare

23-November-2022 Wednesday
Buy a cauldron, bitch!

19-August-2022 Friday
And the salad is what's in the fridge

19-August-2022 Friday
When the franchise didn't pay off

21-June-2022 Tuesday
Seriously, are there people who believe this?

15-June-2022 Wednesday
I'll stuff mushrooms into mushrooms for you so that you have a mushroom with mushrooms

14-June-2022 Tuesday
The main thing is not to get too into the role

20-March-2021 Saturday
"Golden" pens

24-August-2020 Monday
Continuation of the post “Traffic police fine that does not belong to me”

24-August-2020 Monday
Traffic fine that doesn't belong to me

14-September-2019 Saturday
And again about the temple. "Bad" newspapers in the mailbox.

08-August-2019 Thursday
Does caring for the disabled count as sick leave?
