best comments
Durov indignant
Constantly so
They learned to drive...
Students are such students
Would you like to?
Keys to Battlefield 3
Lady Gaga without makeup.
They learned to drive...
- Are you kidding me?
3D without glasses (the rest is in the comments)
You go on, go on...
Looks like a harmless photo, but...
- Are you kidding me?
That same feeling ..
Joking like a god
metal cookie
How do I fly a helicopter in Battlefield 3
How do I fly a helicopter in Battlefield 3
3D without glasses (the rest is in the comments)
St. George ribbon (text post)
The flashmob is open
The flashmob is open
About the maize
Rubber band gun...
Pills and substances to improve attention, memorization of information, and, well, for "clarification".
Pills and substances to improve attention, memorization of information, and, well, for "clarification".
GTA 5 broke 7 Guinness records
Yandex browser
iPhone charger
Comrades, help me find a picchu.
I am a winner!
I am a winner!
get out, come
Trick in tennis...
People! Please tell us about life in a student hostel!
The flashmob is open
Good has won...
Social advertising on the automotive theme
Social advertising on the automotive theme
Social advertising on the automotive theme
Nuclear winter
How do I fly a helicopter in Battlefield 3
Durov indignant
Durov indignant
All women are like women, but I ...
They learned to drive...