SteelRepeater comments

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01-August-2012 Wednesday
and so all summer

24-July-2012 Tuesday
The history of toys.

23-July-2012 Monday
Encounter with a genie

06-July-2012 Friday
I'm 22, but that's why I still sleep with a toy)

01-July-2012 Sunday
here is the handwriting.

21-June-2012 Thursday
European English

21-June-2012 Thursday
Alzheimer's disease and related ailments

09-June-2012 Saturday
Today is international friends day!

08-June-2012 Friday
06/07/2012, a rally was held in Novouralsk

07-June-2012 Thursday
Tonight I was in the kitchen drinking tea with a pretty chan

07-June-2012 Thursday
Door to summer.

06-June-2012 Wednesday
But why ??((

06-June-2012 Wednesday
Mass Effect 3 Comic.

06-June-2012 Wednesday
Who watched "Doctor Who"??

29-May-2012 Tuesday
Are you also waiting for this door to open to new adventures?

29-May-2012 Tuesday
The girl proposed to get married!

29-May-2012 Tuesday

29-May-2012 Tuesday
A colleague bought a kitten.

29-May-2012 Tuesday
"I park like a blonde"

20-May-2012 Sunday
Uh... Just Thor...

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