best comments
Oldfags remember!
do not judge strictly, not a masterpiece of course, but not bad for a beginner)
Halloween costumes
Germans (history from the Internet)
I saw - it broke: 3 How many boyfriends did you have?
comment broke)
The most charming smile.
English teacher for kids.
Does everyone remember?
This face
The comment that made the day.
English teacher for kids.
The secret of the "Russian Post" is revealed!)
I saw - it broke: 3 How many boyfriends did you have?
New issue of StopHam
And they say the lost generation
English teacher for kids.
nokia 3250
Iphone 5s
USSR. Foodstuffs (long post)
And they are right about something...
Sadness ...
That's how we live
Unexpected reaction of Caucasians to stopham
Halloween costumes
I saw - it broke: 3 How many boyfriends did you have?
Sushi, steal
Not a manicure
Building a home anthill
I read the morning news with regret: "R. Kadyrov unveiled a monument to the villagers who resisted General A. Yermolov."
A job that doesn't ask for anything in return...
Our country cares about people
And they are right about something...
The incident in the minibus
I saw - it broke: 3 How many boyfriends did you have?
I saw - it broke: 3 How many boyfriends did you have?
Why do you need a wife?
11 facts about Portal 2
I saw - it broke: 3 How many boyfriends did you have?
Back to the Future
In hot pursuit
Long neighing
The return of Sasha Bely
A friend drew! I really liked the meaning.
They fuck and you don't
Pride of Russia!
about pride
Point of view
Fight in Lyubertsy
And I agree.
Who is with me?))
A juvenile fucker and an iPhone.
North Korea's New Secret Weapon
Who planted this tree here?!
When you check your phone in the dark.
The whole essence of / Russia / in one accident
Useful functions of VKontakte [long post]
The owner of the photo asked to be removed.
Kinect Fruit Ninja
How to put 2 pluses on one post!
Throwing a cast-iron core into mercury...
Who is with me?))
Who is with me?))
Problematic exam you say?
5 years of reading fiction
Question about the universe
That's exactly "shkolota not understand" :)
We didn't go to that store...
I saw - it broke: 3 How many boyfriends did you have?
Angry syrians
This fabulous country is Russia.