Staryielectric2 comments, page 13

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27-October-2019 Sunday
I challenge @podmostovie to a duel

27-October-2019 Sunday
Eastern daggers of modern times.

27-October-2019 Sunday
It is necessary to provide inclusive education for such children, they said.

20-October-2019 Sunday
You have us...

18-October-2019 Friday
Trigger, smell, dead grandfather.

12-October-2019 Saturday
The atrocities of the Nazi invaders.

28-September-2019 Saturday
The fight against drunkenness at work, or traditions, is our everything.

24-September-2019 Tuesday
Production from within 1

24-September-2019 Tuesday
Belarus eco-friendly

18-September-2019 Wednesday
We fix, we fix, we fix...

15-September-2019 Sunday
Accident in the apartment

15-September-2019 Sunday
Biker fish. Interior sculpture.

07-September-2019 Saturday
How I made a mirror with illumination

07-September-2019 Saturday
Motorcycle from a piece of iron 2

06-September-2019 Friday
My first knife. Do not judge strictly.

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