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[6] [2] [1]

19-March-2014 Wednesday
So that's what they are, club chicks...

19-March-2014 Wednesday
Corrected before the eyes

19-March-2014 Wednesday
For 22 years Donbassians have been frightened by fascist Bandera.

18-March-2014 Tuesday
But someone had to fall asleep!

17-March-2014 Monday
peekaboo user logic

17-March-2014 Monday
For pocket expenses

17-March-2014 Monday
Something like this for me looks like all the enthusiastic exclamations of 99% of VKontakte publics about the greatness of EP, Putin and Roissi

17-March-2014 Monday
Blacks are blacks, albeit a bum

17-March-2014 Monday
Came across the funniest creature

17-March-2014 Monday
dads, such dads)

16-March-2014 Sunday
congratulations from S&P

16-March-2014 Sunday
Ekaterina, 30

16-March-2014 Sunday
poor bear(

16-March-2014 Sunday
Joke in Catholic or my first long post

16-March-2014 Sunday
Psychology in pictures.

16-March-2014 Sunday
That feeling when something is missing...

15-March-2014 Saturday
Just Sevastopol

15-March-2014 Saturday
School ruler in the Ukrainian school

14-March-2014 Friday
Ukraine yesterday.

[6] [2] [1]
