SoulExplorer posts, page 3

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15-May-2013 Wednesday
Don't get in, don't get out!

15-May-2013 Wednesday
The best phone in history

15-May-2013 Wednesday
My pedals

14-May-2013 Tuesday

14-May-2013 Tuesday
Pterodactyl in the HTML code of website.

14-May-2013 Tuesday
I worked in a factory

14-May-2013 Tuesday
The university is a wood processing plant

12-May-2013 Sunday
MEN play tanks, not suckers lesbians

12-May-2013 Sunday
Didn't it occur to you...

12-May-2013 Sunday
Movie lovers, take note!

12-May-2013 Sunday
Dream diary.

10-May-2013 Friday
Apple blossom, macro

10-May-2013 Friday
Not funny, but beautiful, I think

09-May-2013 Thursday
Worst comedies ever.

08-May-2013 Wednesday
Russia and the West.

08-May-2013 Wednesday
Two bastards are coming towards you (my verse of 2004)

08-May-2013 Wednesday
The beginning of an unwritten story.

08-May-2013 Wednesday
Useless and uninformative post

08-May-2013 Wednesday
Post for cons (nenuacho)

07-May-2013 Tuesday
This cruel world

07-May-2013 Tuesday
Ruthless Russian marketing

07-May-2013 Tuesday
I am a pickup

01-May-2013 Wednesday

01-May-2013 Wednesday
Does it happen to you too?

01-May-2013 Wednesday
Raise it to the TOP!

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