Solyan posts, page 2

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12-December-2014 Friday
Quietly slate rustling, the roof goes slowly.

25-November-2014 Tuesday
Sensation!!! Beeline buys Apple

24-October-2014 Friday

18-September-2014 Thursday
Poroshenko, fuck off to Rostov in a good way!

05-September-2014 Friday
Several major Western media wrote about NATO "trolling" by the Russian embassy

27-August-2014 Wednesday
American director David Lynch made Vladimir Putin an "icy" challenge.

19-August-2014 Tuesday
feet don't stink?

18-August-2014 Monday
Brought a new dog into the house...

08-July-2014 Tuesday
Well kiss me, kiss me! B*tch... die then!

17-June-2014 Tuesday
Do not carry bags of potatoes.

10-June-2014 Tuesday
It's always like this, you offer intimacy, and they laugh!

09-June-2014 Monday
Managed to get out...

22-May-2014 Thursday

13-May-2014 Tuesday
my name is Andrey.

30-April-2014 Wednesday
hey.... this is my territory, get out!

22-April-2014 Tuesday
Attention, a Ukrainian who drank vodka felt like a Hancock!

18-April-2014 Friday
OH BL*** FOOT.... FOOT....

17-April-2014 Thursday
i have the same(

04-April-2014 Friday
They drove ... Merc and Prior

27-March-2014 Thursday
life is not the same...

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