Solaris63 posts

22-August-2023 Tuesday
About pedestrians

18-July-2023 Tuesday
How to learn to swim in 5 minutes

29-May-2022 Sunday
Reply to the post "I wish all pedestrians were so conscious"

14-August-2021 Saturday
How do I get high rated posts back in the feed?

22-March-2021 Monday
Quiet people

18-March-2021 Thursday

07-March-2021 Sunday
How many adequate users are there on Pikabu?

07-March-2021 Sunday
You don't understand, this is different

24-February-2021 Wednesday
Reply to the post “They kicked a disabled person in the center of Kirov”

06-February-2021 Saturday
Post #8004802

28-October-2020 Wednesday
Post #7798573

03-August-2020 Monday
Employment Center
