Snafst comments, page 19

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02-April-2018 Monday
Elvis brings home a broom!

01-April-2018 Sunday
Five years of marriage and a stolen broom.

31-March-2018 Saturday
Five years of marriage and a stolen broom.

30-March-2018 Friday
Cheronium Crystal

28-March-2018 Wednesday
NEED HELP! Dealt with scammers!

24-March-2018 Saturday
When you're friends with trolls

21-March-2018 Wednesday
Better life (part six)

12-March-2018 Monday
"For a rainy day" or once again about the stash.

18-February-2018 Sunday
How I quit smoking (without claiming to be universal)

15-February-2018 Thursday
And again threats, but no ...

13-February-2018 Tuesday
How to save a family

13-February-2018 Tuesday
Black Sabbath debut

08-February-2018 Thursday
Women-only island to open off Finnish coast

08-February-2018 Thursday
What can you advise Misha

04-February-2018 Sunday
In Maryino in the Moscow River, here is such a find ...

04-February-2018 Sunday
Tinder surprise

24-January-2018 Wednesday
I tried to draw an art for a daily in .pixel in VK on the topic #machine. What can be improved here?

06-December-2017 Wednesday
Tinkoff Bank asked to talk about the card

01-December-2017 Friday
Girl buys the same toy for her mentally disabled brother for years

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