SmasHBuster comments, page 6

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07-October-2016 Friday

04-May-2016 Wednesday
In fact, the Vikings did not have horns on their helmets.

17-April-2016 Sunday
I'm not done with you yet

05-April-2016 Tuesday
How jokes are born

30-March-2016 Wednesday
Japanese and Vologda crane

05-February-2016 Friday
Shoe advertising in Belarus

01-June-2015 Monday
Life goals.Version 3.

01-June-2015 Monday
Mad Max: Russian Road

15-May-2015 Friday
How to solve a Rubik's Cube

09-May-2015 Saturday
Great performance by guys from Tomsk at BGT

08-May-2015 Friday
In honor of the anniversary!

06-May-2015 Wednesday
Budget donkey from non-budget materials.

14-April-2015 Tuesday
It remains to wrap with electrical tape and you can go into battle

13-April-2015 Monday
School children's theater

12-April-2015 Sunday
Best American film about the history of invincible Russia

03-April-2015 Friday
The anti-neighbor weapon has been brought to combat readiness. Loaded with everyone's "favorite" hardbass

22-March-2015 Sunday
Inadequate woman in a jeep

05-March-2015 Thursday
So I went to the surgeon today with a sore knee ...

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