Slovrum comments, page 14

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29-November-2023 Wednesday
Roaring bear. Takeoff and landing of Tu-95MS

28-November-2023 Tuesday
"Soviet galosh" - the largest, fastest and most powerful in the world

14-November-2023 Tuesday
“What the hell do I need my life for if I couldn’t save such a plane...”, the last Tu-144 crash

12-November-2023 Sunday
Airplanes overcome the thermal barrier on the ground

11-November-2023 Saturday
Facts about the PD-14 engine that you might not know

23-September-2023 Saturday
MiG, you're just sex. Come on, play with your cheekbones

15-September-2023 Friday
A little about the F-22 and the fifth generation (from September 2, 2016)

09-September-2023 Saturday
Guarding the peaceful sky: USSR air defense in 1945-1960

08-September-2023 Friday
Something terrible is approaching: the Su-34 resorts to tires as a shield

07-September-2023 Thursday
Close formation of F-16 Fighting Falcon multirole fighters

05-September-2023 Tuesday
For the first time, the Su-34 used not the "Dagger", but the FAB-1500 M54

18-August-2023 Friday
Technical questions about the F-16

11-July-2023 Tuesday
The adventures of the "black bird"

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