23-September-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Killed and Destroyed"
23-September-2024 Monday
Quattrobobery kurwa
23-September-2024 Monday
The school created a scandal out of nothing
22-September-2024 Sunday
I usually shudder and wake up in my sleep after something like this.
22-September-2024 Sunday
Talk to the kids
22-September-2024 Sunday
Goliar's response to "The End of the Family"
21-September-2024 Saturday
21-September-2024 Saturday
That's it
21-September-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "What do they smoke or sniff in the Federation Council?"
21-September-2024 Saturday
Artek. Canteen
21-September-2024 Saturday
Reply user7178199 in "Where do you find sex?!"
20-September-2024 Friday
Don't lend money. Even if you have it, and even if you really want to help.
20-September-2024 Friday
Response to the post "Where are we heading?"
20-September-2024 Friday
19-September-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "Generous Gifts"
19-September-2024 Thursday
Reply to post "17 years"
19-September-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "Avito as a mirror of reality"
18-September-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "What is emotional abuse according to women?"
18-September-2024 Wednesday
17 years old
12-September-2024 Thursday
Legal Stories #614: The Right Position