22-August-2012 Wednesday
Give answer!
21-August-2012 Tuesday
Now, we are all prophets.
21-August-2012 Tuesday
Through life with humor (first post, first comic)
19-August-2012 Sunday
Riding a bike is no longer possible? We are changing the route!
19-August-2012 Sunday
Battlefield 3 - Dull TV Editing
18-August-2012 Saturday
There were such mustard plasters ... we should buy ...
18-August-2012 Saturday
Poll "for attentiveness" and its result! :)
18-August-2012 Saturday
So touching!
18-August-2012 Saturday
Shkolota do not understand ...
17-August-2012 Friday
It seems to me, or
17-August-2012 Friday
The film adaptation of the book The Hobbit: There and Back again will still be divided into 3 parts.
17-August-2012 Friday
Denis and L2
16-August-2012 Thursday
They will burn in hell for such an Olympics!
13-August-2012 Monday
13-August-2012 Monday
Half Life fans
12-August-2012 Sunday
who loves this band?
12-August-2012 Sunday
Why does shkolota love MDK?
09-August-2012 Thursday
How many of us are like this?
09-August-2012 Thursday
Instructor work
08-August-2012 Wednesday